10 Unbelievable Reasons Why You Should Eat Celery In The Evening

This crunchy vegetable abounds in many benefits important for the overall health of your body. For culinary use celery is usually found in soups and salads while it can be eaten in a raw state, as a snack.

1. Relieves Inflammation

Due to the high levels of polyphenols and antioxidants, celery reduces inflammation and relieves joint pain. Also, it treats asthma, acne because of the salicylic acid, which removes follicular clog.

2. Lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol

It’s butylphthalide that gives celery its taste and aroma and prevents high blood pressure by treating ‘bad’ cholesterol. So, if you consume at least 2 stalks of celery every day, you can reduce cholesterol by up to 7%.

3. Improves digestion

Celery is rich in insoluble fiber and water thus it helps in the regulation of the stool. It abounds in many important cleansing qualities that make it an ideal diuretic.

4. Lowers high blood pressure

Celery is a powerful source of phthalides, active compounds that improve the poor circulation by 14% and reduce stress hormones that circulate in the blood.

5. Supports eye health

One celery stalk offers at least 10% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A which protects the eyes and prevents degeneration of vision.