10 Unlikely Uses For Vicks Vaporub That Will Solve Your Biggest Problems

Believe it or not, your little pot of Vicks Vaporub can actually be used to benefit your health! Discover why you should always have a tub in your first aid kit today.

1. Weight loss

Want to lose weight? Then you’re going to love this clever tip. Many people claim that using Vicks VapoRub can melt away belly fat and cellulite – sounds good, right? Vicks can decrease localised fat by stimulating fat-burning.

For even more ways to lose weight, read our other blog post.

2. Ease muscle pain

Overdone it in the gym? Or perhaps your old office chair’s giving you an awful backache. Muscle pain is no fun at all. Don’t suffer unnecessarily – ease yours using Vicks! Rub Vicks into sore muscles and the tingling sensation with soon have you feeling ready to put your trainers on again.

3. Headache remedy

Could Vicks cure your headache?
Thump, thump, thump – don’t suffer from sore head. One of our favourite uses for Vicks is as a headache remedy.

Want relief, fast?

Rub a small amount of Vicks into the centre of your forehead and onto temples. Massage it in, and the mentholated scent will work to reduce tension and ease the pain.

4. Treat toenail fungus

Are your feet looking rather worse for wear?

Vicks may have been invented for colds, but hopefully, our uses for Vicks are opening your eyes to its true potential! Next on our impressive list? Treating toenail fungus.

Vicks contains many natural ingredients, some of which have antifungal properties which are thought to treat toenail fungus.

Apply a generous dollop of Vicks to dry toenails every evening and leave overnight to work its magic.

TOP TIP: Keep toenails cut short so that the Vicks can penetrate as deep as possible into the nail bed.

5. Heal cuts FAST

Vicks works magic on cuts & bruises.
Ouch! If you’ve caught your finger on the table and have a nasty splinter or cut, you’ll need some antiseptic. If you don’t have any to hand, your trusty jar of Vicks can step in until you do.

One of the best things about Vicks is its antiseptic properties. Rub a small amount onto cuts to create a barrier to keep them clean.

6. Stop earaches

An achy ear can be extremely unpleasant, and make even the smallest everyday task impossible. Turns out, Vicks can also be used to solve this problem. While it won’t cure an ear infection, it will reduce pain and discomfort to help you get on with the task in hand.

To try it, rub some Vicks onto a ball of cotton wool and place it in your ear.

7. Reduce the appearance of bruises

Had a nasty fall? Don’t let shades of purple, green and yellow get you down. You can get rid of bruises using your handy jar of Vicks.

Rub a thin layer of Vicks onto the bruise and add a sprinkling of salt. This strange combination will help distribute the concentrated blood beneath the bruise, resulting in a lighter, less discoloured patch of skin.

Beauty uses for Vicks

No need to purchase expensive beauty products – there’s loads of jobs your trusty pot of Vick can do just as well. Check them out below.

8. Moisturize dry skin

If you suffer from dry skin, Vicks could be the budget beauty product you’ve been looking for. Vicks is extremely rich and nourishing and will soothe skin to improve the appearance of dry skin on elbows, knees and more.

9. Reduce the appearance of stretch marks

Stretch marks are certainly nothing to be ashamed of, but if you would like to try and reduce them, Vicks could well be the answer.

Many people claim to have experienced excellent results using Vicks as a treatment for stretch marks. Although there is little evidence to support this, it’s thought the cream works to moisturize and soften the skin, making them less prominent.

10. Get rid of acne

Acne. We’ve all had it at some point in our lives – some of us worse than others. There are hundreds of treatments on the market that claim to treat it, ranging from the cheap and cheerful to the extreme and expensive.

What if all you really needed to get rid of acne had been hiding in your cupboard all along?

Vicks VapoRub’s three main active ingredients – eucalyptus, camphor and menthol – eliminate bacteria and have a cooling effect on the skin. These ingredients help diminish and soothe acne in just a matter of days. Rub a small amount onto troubled areas to try this acne cure for yourself.