12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Damaged

The liver is a vital body organ and the biggest solid one in the body, whose primary role is to eliminate the harmful toxins from the body.

It is located on the upper right-hand side of the abdomen, partially covered by the ribs.

It is prone to more than a hundred types of ailments, and some liver- related diseases are fatty liver disease, hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Each of the liver-related diseases can cause specific symptoms.  Yet, in the early stages of the development, they all affect the liver similarly.

Therefore, in order to avoid serious health problems, you should learn the early signs which indicate that it is being damaged, and restore its proper function.

These are the 12 most common early signs of liver damage:

Frequent Cramps And Abdominal Pain

The pain felt on the upper right-hand side of your abdominal region, below your rib cage, may be an early sign of a liver damage. Moreover, the area may be tender to touch.

Loss Of Appetite

One of the roles of the liver is to produce bile, which breaks down the consumed food. If the function of the liver is impeded, the production of bile will be limited, leading to poor metabolism, and thus a feeling of fullness.

Digestive Issues

The bile helps digestion, so in the case of obstructed function of the liver, a person may experience digestive issues, such as constipation, and indigestion.

Frequent Stomach Upset

In the case of frequent stomach upset, as well as nausea and vomiting, a person should check up the liver. Nausea is often caused by a toxic buildup, as the liver cannot properly discard it.

Changed Color Of the Urine

If the color of your urine is changed even though you drink enough water, you may have liver issues. Namely, the kidneys generate the bilirubin levels in the bloodstream, which may be too high for the liver to remove.  Yet, the dark color of the urine may also be a result of an antibiotic therapy, the use of vitamin B supplements, or dehydration.

Changed Feces color

Your liver may be damaged in the case of a pale yellow, clay, or gray color of the feces, as the dark brown color is given by the bile produced by the liver.

Constipation, Diarrhea And Intestinal Bleeding

Liver damage may also lead to constipation, diarrhea, and even intestinal bleeding. Hence, if you experience some of these issues, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Fluid retention

In the case of a liver damage, patients often experience swellings of the feet and ankles, due to the retention of fluids in the body.

Stomach bloating

Stomach bloating is a common symptom of liver damage, and even liver cirrhosis, as fluids start to accumulate in the stomach.

Tiredness, Weakness, And Fatigue

Even if you get the needed rest, if your liver is damaged, you will constantly feel tired. Namely, toxins start to pile up into the bloodstream, and thus affect the flow of blood to the other body parts and organs, like the brain, heart, tissues, and muscles.

Increased risk of Jaundice

Due to the reduced ability of the liver to eliminate the bilirubins in the bloodstream, their levels increase, and thus raise the risk of jaundice. It is often manifested by a yellowing of the eyes, skin, fingertips, and tongue.

Persistent Skin Irritation

Other common symptoms of liver issues are sensitive skin, itchiness, skin sensitive to touch, and even more prominent veins.

If you experience some of these issues, it is advisable to visit your doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis of their cause.