Butter Coffee Recipe That Can Help You Lose Weight!

Butter coffee is simply black coffee with butter and coconut oil mixed in with the use of a blender. It has a beautifully creamy and sweet taste, with a slight foam at the top of it.

It’s also considered healthy, and many people swear by its role in weight loss (although this is still up for debate) and maintaining focus and productivity throughout the day.

It does however need a blender. Now, for a coffee recipe this might seem very odd, but stay with me.

The idea here is to work the butter into the coffee and mix it in thoroughly. Stirring it in manually will leave behind large lumps in your drink. It will also leave fat and water content prone to separating. Instead, putting it through a blender will help it reach a much more cream-like consistency.

Its key ingredients are black coffee, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil. All of these are usually easily available in supermarkets, but if you do struggle to find them then you can get them online on sites like Amazon.

People who swear by the drink have it on a daily basis and have some pretty compelling arguments for it. Here are four of the best:

#1. It Boosts Metabolism

While putting fatty ingredients like butter into a drink might seem counterproductive for a drink that claims to help with weight loss, the inclusion of coconut oil has been proven to do just this.

Coconut oil is a type of fatty acid chain called MCT, or Medium Chain Triglycerides. These MCTs have been shown to be metabolized faster than other types of fatty acids, which in turn leads to your body metabolizing other ingredients at a much faster rate.

#2. It’s More Economical

I actually happened to buy a medium latte today and it cost me $3.50. Expand that over a year and you’re looking at over $900 (based on one per day, 5 days per week).

Coffee spending habits are almost always used as a barometer for how much you can save over a year, but the reason for that is how it highlights such a seemingly insignificant but daily expense can build up to a lot. So it’s best to try and cut corners by making your own without depriving yourself of your morning caffeine habit.

Buying your coffee beans in bulk, as well as butter, means that you could cut that cost down to around one-fifth, while also cutting down your carbon footprint. Not only that, but you’ll be making it in line with how you like it. If you’re a control freak like me, then this counts for a lot.

#3. Curbs Sugar Cravings

We’ve all had the mid-afternoon crash, where all we’re craving is a coffee and something sugary, whether it be chocolate or a donut.

This feeling is largely caused by a dip in blood-sugar levels, further exacerbated by diets rich in sugars and carbohydrates. This is another good opportunity to mention coffee shop coffees – the majority of them contain heaps-upon-heaps of added sugar.

In contrast, grass fed butter makes homemade butter coffee high in natural fats. This matched with its low sugar content helps your body keep a much healthier and stable blood-sugar level. This calms the effects of the mid-afternoon crash, meaning you don’t have such an extreme craving for something sweet.

#4. It Has Healthy Fats

A common misconception about diets is the need for everything to be low in fat when the truth is that your body needs fats. It just needs them in healthy forms, and in moderation.

A diet that’s low in fat will be damaging to cell health. This can show itself in many ways, but one of the most apparent is the damage it does to your skin. With a low-fat diet, your skin will look old and dull. It will lose some of its elasticity, which means it’ll be more prone to damage. However, healthy fats help provide anti-inflammatory agents, which keep your skin looking healthy and nourished.

The coconut oil in butter coffee also has plenty of health benefits. Its saturated fat content helps aid heart health by regulating cholesterol and metabolism levels. It’s also been proven to have anti-bacterial and antifungal properties.

These four benefits come together to provide a drink that’s a metabolism-boosting, body-restoring, craving-quelling, delicious beast of a drink. One that you need to make part of your daily routine from now on.

Butter Coffee Recipe

Here’s a simple butter coffee recipe that hits all the right notes. It’s creamy, rich, and healthy.

The recipe is only a case of putting black coffee, a square of butter, and a scoop of coconut oil in a blender.

This recipe can actually be modified to try to replicate other coffee drinks. For something a bit more like a mocha, you can add cacao powder. Or if you prefer a vanilla latte then half a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring will easily help you achieve that unmistakable flavor.


  • 2 tbsp butter, organic and salted
  • 1 cup filtered black coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil


Brew a cup of black coffee. You can do this through any of your preferred methods. I personally prefer pour over V60 filter.

Allow your finished coffee to sit for a couple of minutes to reduce heat.
Add your finished black coffee, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter to a blender.

Blend for 30 seconds. Pour the butter coffee into your mug and enjoy.