This Oil Is Great For Thickening and Regrowing Hair, Eyelashes And Eyebrows

Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely thick and sticky consistency. However, if you’re looking for a cheap, natural remedy for several common skin and hair complaints, then castor oil is definitely worth your time.

Castor oil is one of the best-kept secrets in the world of natural beauty.  Taken from the bean of the Castor plant, this oil is rich in ricinoleic acid (omega-9 fatty acid), which exerts powerful therapeutic effects. It will help your eyelashes to grow thick and long, and can keep them from breaking. It can also help you grow new eyebrow hair in bare areas that might have been over-tweezed. And it’s super cheap! Yes, it really is a wonder oil!


First, you should know that the most popular use of castor oil is for re-growing thin eyebrows and renewing eye lashes. So, if you were obsessed with plucking your brows in the nineties, you are probably looking for a ‘trick’ that will help you recover your eye brows. And, you will no longer miss your real hairs or be forced to fill in your eye lashes with a pencil. Note: make sure you look for hexane-free, organic and cold-pressed castor oil. It’s because this type of castor oil will provide the best results in the treatment of thinning brows and hair. You just have to apply it to your eye brows after you clean your face, preferably before you go to sleep. You will be amazed by the results. Your brows will be considerably thicker and maybe even darker.


Castor oil has a unique ability to be deeply penetrating, and this helps it to deliver its nourishment deeply into the pores and the follicles that produce hair.

It also has a high gloss, so it lends a lush glossiness and shine to the hair. A little goes a long way, and it is best to only add a tiny bit to the very ends of your hair instead of putting it up near the scalp if you’re just looking for a natural hair smoother.

Simply put about two drops on your hands and rub, then smooth through the ends.  If you use too much, there is a fine line between subtle shine and a heavy greasiness so go very light until you figure out the amount that works right for your hair type.

If you’re looking to regrow the hair on your head, you can use castor oil as a scalp treatment. However it can be tricky to get on the scalp without thinning it out with a lighter oil. You can add some melted coconut oil, apricot kernel oil or another lighter oil to help get it spreadable enough.

If you’re simply looking to help thicken hair that is thinning at the edges of your hairline, you can use pure castor oil, with a light hand of course.  Another use is to apply the oil to eyelashes to help thicken and strengthen them, as well as to help prevent thinning and shedding.


Castor oil is also excellent for the lips.  Our lips needs constant protection against the elements. Although our lips regenerate and recover quickly, they also dry out and begin to peel when they are dehydrated.

Castor oil not only smooths the lips with fatty acids, but it also helps protect them due to its naturally thick and immovable nature. In other words, it doesn’t budge without being wiped off. It also imparts a natural shine to the lips, which makes it ideal for both improving the appearance and health of the lips.