Best Home Remedy To Get Rid Of Herpes In 12 Hours

Herpes is a virus that we all have in our body. It is most commonly triggered by stress, with a touch of unhygienic conditions or due to a fallen immunity.

Certainly, it does not look nice if it appears in a visible place, more precisely on our face. There are a lot of fats and patches that partially can hide it. But it also makes its treatment more difficult.

In ancient medicine there is a cure for this virus.


– 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
– 1 garlic clove


Method of preparation

Peel the garlic and crush it well then mix it with the coconut oil. Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic due to allicin content.

Besides, it’s rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron. These substances help healing herpes, treat heart disease, rheumatism, diabetes and bronchitis.

On the other hand, coconut oil is rich in triglycerides, which helps to strengthen the immune system. Moreover, coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and capric acid, substances that have antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.


How to use this treatment 

Apply a thin layer of this paste over the affected area, and if it stings this means that the remedy is doing its effect. Let it act for 5 minutes then wash it with cold water. It’s recommended to apply it 5 times during 12 hours.