How To Lighten The Skin: Home Remedies For Dark Hands And Feet

It happens so that there are parts of our bodies that we pay greater attention and there are parts that we pay lesser attention. No matter how noticeable out hands are – most often they are the neglected part together with your feet.

However, these are the parts that do a lot throughout the day, and you should at least pay attention to the state your feet and hands are. Of course, all the pollution, the activities, and whatnot that we are busy with have its effect on both the feet and hands and the skin on them becomes dry, dark and unhealthy-looking.

That is why today we are going to have a look at the list of remedies that can lighten your skin and make both your feet and hands look a lot more appealing.

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#1. Orange Peel

This may sound pretty unusual, but it is effective. All you need to do is to dry the orange peels out and grind them. When the powder is ready, you should combine it with milk until you get a paste. After that apply the [paste to your hands and feet and keep it on for about 20 minutes, if you do this regularly you will notice the effect in a matter of weeks.

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#2. Milk

The easiest way to restore your hand’s and feet beauty is to regularly apply raw milk to them. Just clean your feet and hands, and them massage some milk in and let it sit for about 20 minutes after that just rinse your hands and feet. That is it.

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#3. Cucumber

Apart from cooling abilities, cucumber can lighten your skin too. All you need to do is to rub some fresh slices of cucumber onto your skin and let the juice sit on and penetrate the skin for about 15 minutes. After that, you can just rinse your hands with water.

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#4. Honey

There are many abilities to honey and whitening the skin is surely one of them. All you need to do is to combine some honey with lemon juice, powder milk, and apply the paste to your feet and hands. Let it sit on for about 20 minutes, and then rinse it off.