You Need To Eat This If You Have Hair Loss, Brittle Nails Or You’re Not Sleeping Well

If you are interested to know, problems with the adrenal gland can impair health and quality of hair, nails, and quality of sleep.

The adrenal gland is located in the upper parts of the kidneys and is one of the endocrine glands. This gland is responsible for the release of several hormones, such as steroids and adrenalin.

The importance of these hormones is remarkable, because they regulate blood pressure, improve the immune system and accelerate metabolism.

Your body more easily faced with a large amount of stress when these hormones are released in the body, so any obstruction of the adrenal glands can lead to various disorders in the body and the occurrence of serious health problems.

You can speed up the work of the adrenal gland, with the consumption of this natural, homemade beverage that suggests the use of Brazilian nuts.

Here’s what you require and how this remedy is prepared:

  • Pure natural honey – (4 tbsp)
  • Parsley leaves – (chop a little more than 2/4 of a bunch of parsley – 1 average size bunch of flat parsley weighs about 2 ounces and contains about 48 sprigs)
  • Ginger (Ground) – 1 tbsp (1 tbsp of fresh ginger root is equal to 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger)
  • Brazilian nuts – (120g)
  • Raisins – (100g)


The first thing you should do when you prepare this homemade drink is to insert the leaves of parsley and Brazilian nuts in a blender and grinding.

The next step is to add the raisins, ginger and pure honey.

Blend all ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.

How to use:

Consume two tablespoons of this natural homemade drink, which promotes the work of your adrenal glands, early in the morning before breakfast. Take this dose two to three times throughout the week.

Consuming this drink promotes work of adrenal gland and reduce the risk of serious diseases. Already after a short period, you will feel changes in your body. Sleep quality will improve, your hair will be shinier and healthier, your nails will be strong, shiny, and will not break and damage easily.