Alkaline Water that Alkalizes Your Body, Loses Weight And Battle Fatigue

One of the great things that you can do for your health is drinking an adequate amount of water daily. It not only forms a huge portion of the body’s composition but it’s as well important for the organs to carry out their individual functions properly. It is recommended that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily in order to maintain proper hydration levels and to prevent the development of diseases such as battle fatigue.

But, many time this liquid is not sufficient on its own and will need a little bit of alkalinity in order to be able to regulate the body’s pH. There are some beverages that sold on the market that claim to offer this benefit, however the truth is that it’s much easier to prepare it at home with some organic ingredients. This remedy will not only decrease the levels of acid in your body, but will also provide your body with a variety of needed nutrients. As will be shown below, we will share with you a recipe for preparing this remedy that is both economical and healthy.

Why should I drink alkaline water?

Before we show how to make own alkaline water at home, it is important to know about its benefits and why you should be drinking it for several times weekly. For a start, the pH of the body is measured on a scale between 0 and 14, which means 7 being neutral. Over 7 is proven alkaline and under 7 is acidic. It is proven that for the body to remain healthy it’s pH shall stay between 7.35 and 7.45. It is a problem that our foods are becoming much acidic and most of us are not aware that a huge percentage of the food we consume normally can increase these levels. As a consequence, our organs experience a series of problems while trying to perform their functions. When toxin levels increase, the tissues begin to deteriorate and some serious disease could happen.

The acidity could cause the death for some of the cells, and in worst case, it can stimulate them into becoming cancerous ones. Because of this, it is essential to improve your daily eating habits and to drink at least a cup of alkaline water daily. This drink will promote the removal of acidic waste and will balance the pH of the blood in order to properly oxygenate cells. If you drink it regularly, it will raise your body’s hydration levels, will battle fatigue and will prevent the symptoms of premature again, both internally and externally.

How do I make alkaline water at home to battle fatigue?

The alkaline water is made by mixing pink Hymalayan salt and lemon with some purified water. It will provide good deal of vitamin C, pectin, bioflavonoids and some essential minerals that will protect the digestive, immune and cardiovascular systems. It also contains some essential oils like limonene and alpha-thujone, whose antioxidant effects will help decrease the negative effects of free radicals. If you drink this, it will contribute to healthy weight loss, will fight fluid retention and will soothe tension headaches, as well as improve the mental and physical energy levels, decreasing the symptoms of irritability and stress. It is very easy to be prepared and its ingredients can be found by low prices in health food markets.

  • 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt,
  • 1 organic lemon,
  • 2 liters of purified water.

First, wash the lemon with water and apple cider vinegar in order to disinfect it . After that, cut it into slices and add it to a pitcher with two liters of purified water. After that, incorporate the teaspoon of Himalayan salt, stir with a silicone spatula and let it sit overnight at a room temperature. The next day, drink one or two glasses, half hour before breakfast

Keep in mind!

Alkaline drink is not required for people with high blood pressure. The dosage of it shall not exceed three times a day because too much could over-alkalize the body. For best results, you shall drink 6 glasses of water daily, eat a well balanced food rich and exercise often.  You also need to decrease the quantity of fast food and canned food because they are potential source of toxins.