DIY: How to Clear Your Sinuses in Seconds Using Nothing But Your Fingers

A sore throat, stuffy nose, and pain around your eyes and face can indicate that your common cold has turned into sinusitis. Sinusitis, also referred to as a sinus infection, occurs when your sinuses become blocked with mucus, thus allowing bacteria to accumulate inside of them.

In the video below, Heather Wibbels demonstrates how to give a lymph drainage massage. This lymph drainage massage technique helps relieve congestion from colds and allergies. In addition, Wibbels points out that the pressure in your head could be triggered by a lymphatic fluid build-up in your head. However, this gentle massage helps drain your head, and open the lymph nodes behind your ears and in your neck.

Moreover, your lymphatic system helps trap and get rid of toxins. Unlike your cardiovascular system, your lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump to stimulate fluid movement. The movement of your body plays a role in preventing toxin stagnation in your lymph.

In case your lymph fluid is not flowing properly, various health problems can occur. Your body could face a higher toxic overload that has a negative impact on all of your systems. If your lymph tissues are trapping but not eliminating toxins, it could weaken your immune system.

In order to support your whole lymphatic system, you should do a facial lymphatic drainage massage many times on a daily basis.

Your lymphatic system can benefit from lymph drainage, i.e., a healing massage you can give yourself.

Here Is Why You Should Practice Facial Lymphatic Drainage:
  • Helps lower the duration of a cold
  • Helps decrease fluid retention in your face that could slim your entire face as well as define your jawline
  • Helps drain your sinuses, thus alleviating sinus pressure from colds and allergies
  • Helps support the elimination of toxins from your body

In fact, there are a great number of lymph nodes throughout your body. But, most of them are found in front of your body, which makes them easily accessible during self-practiced lymph drainage.

So, the next time you notice your sinuses start to swell during a cold or allergy, do not head for your doctor or medicine cabinet. Simply perform this lymph drainage massage to get relief from a sinus infection.

All you need to do is take about 15 minutes out of your day to perform this gentle relaxing and detoxifying self-massage. This helps elevate the speed at which your lymph nodes filter out toxins and waste products from your tissues, and elevate your body’s ability to fight infections.

Note: In case you are pregnant or suffer from cancer, active bleeding, heart disease, circulatory problems, or fever, avoid performing this massage.