Does Your Heel Hurt In The Morning Or Whenever You Stand Up? Here’s What You Need To Know

Plantar fascia is an important phrase to understand when it comes to foot health. It is a thin ligament that links the heel to the front of the foot.

According to Healthline, more than half of all Americans suffer from foot pain, which is usually caused by injury to the plantar fascia, also known as plantar fasciitis.

Weight gain or repetitive motion are the most prevalent causes of this ailment, which is most common in pregnant women, athletes, and those who work standing on their feet for long periods of time, since the weight and pressure create pain and irritation.

This illness, however, can be avoided and addressed.

Effective stretching exercises are the best treatment for this condition because they relax the tight muscles that exacerbate the problem. Here are a few of the most effective:

Calf Stretches

Calf stretching may also help to alleviate heel pain. All you have to do is extend your leg in a lunge-like motion and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times with each leg.

Seated Exercises

These exercises are extremely effective for alleviating these issues and symptoms. These are the best ones according to Healthline:

  • You should cross one leg over the other. Then, pull upward on the big toe and hold for 15 seconds. Release and repeat 3 times. Then, do the same with the other foot.
  • You will need a folded towel to use it as an exercise strap, and put it under the foot arch. Then, pull upward to stretch the foot in front of your body, remain thus for 15-30 seconds and repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • Take a water bottle, or some object similar in shape, and roll the foot over it for a minute. Repeat with the other leg.

On the other hand, stretching exercises may also prevent plantar fasciitis. Moreover, you can avoid this condition in other ways as well, including the following, suggested by WebMD:

Warm up

Warming up your body before physical work or exercise is important since a quick action might cause harm.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising and maintaining a healthy weight are extremely beneficial in this situation. Furthermore, extending the joints and muscles reduces the likelihood of foot ligament stiffness.

Ensure Proper Support

Proper footwear is essential for keeping the feet safe, so make sure they are well supported. Avoid wearing poorly made or tight shoes, as well as walking barefoot, to avoid putting additional strain on your feet and heels.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Controlling your body weight will help you prevent needless pressure on your feet and entire body.


You should always make time to relax your feet between everyday tasks because they bear the weight of your body, and your feet and heels should not be subjected to constant repeated movement.

As a result, the health of your feet is critical, and you should aim to avoid foot problems. Furthermore, if you feel you have this illness, you should see a doctor right away to get it treated and make the necessary modifications to your food, activity, and lifestyle.