Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Two Eggs a Day. I Would Have Never Believed No.3… Awesome!

There are many myths about eating egg regularly and this has caused many people to refrain from eating it.

Among these are attributed some damage to the organism, for example, which can raise levels of bad cholesterol, a myth that has already been denied by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Although, a single egg provides six grams of protein and 14 essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B, D and E, in addition to being a source of calcium, selenium and iodine.

Therefore, eggs are considered one of the most nutritious foods available worldwide, according to experts from the International Egg and Nutrition Center (IENC).

The egg is a food that has a great nutritional value, according to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation.

Among its main properties are:

Improved Memory
Improved Sight
Promotes Hair growth and skin rejuvenation
Promotes Heart health
Strengthens bones
Boosts energy
Promotes weight loss

The truth is that eating two eggs daily can bring great health benefits, according to nutritionists from the Latin American Egg Institute.