Here’s What The Color of Your Urine Says About Your Health

Since the beginnings of medicine, the color of the urine has been used as a useful diagnostic tool. Its characteristics, including the color, density, and smell can indicate the state of our health. This article reveals some of the things your urine shows about you.

Your urine can change its color due to certain changes that happen in our body, it can range from no color, light nuances, to irregular, even strange colors. Learn how its color indicates your health issues:

No Color (Transparent)

If your urine has no color, it means that your body has large amounts of water, so you should reduce the amount of water you consume.

Pale Straw Color

The normal color of the human urine is pale straw, so in this case, it means you keep a good balance in your body, you are healthy and well hydrated.

Transparent Yellow

This urine color also brings good news! It shows that you are in a perfect health condition.

Dark Yellow

This urine color shows that your health is also good, but it needs hydration. It is advisable to drink more fluids or water.

Amber or Honey

Your body is exhausted and is in urgent need of water or some liquids, if your urine is in this color. Your body is under the threat to completely dehydrate, so you must drink water immediately.

Syrup or Brown Ale

This color of the urine indicates that you have problem with liver, as many studies discovered. It may be liver disease or your body is dehydrated.

Pink to Reddish

If your urine is pink or reddish, and you haven’t eaten beets, blueberries or rhubarb recently, it indicates that you may have blood in your urine. It may not be a serious issue, but it can also be a sign of kidney disease, tumors, urinary tract infections, prostate problems, lead or mercury poisoning or something else. You should consult your doctor immediately.


Orange color of the urine may be a sign of a lack of water, a liver or bile duct condition, or food poisoning.

Blue or Green

This may be a sign of a rare genetic disease that can turn your urine blue or green. Moreover, it can also show that certain bacteria infect the urinary tract. In most cases, it is due to a food dye in something you ate, or a medication. If it lasts longer, visit your doctor.

Foaming or Fizzy

If it happens on occasions, it is probably a harmless hydraulic effect, but it could indicate excess protein in your diet or a kidney problem. If persistent, visit your doctor.