Home Remedy To Erase All Aging Signs From Your Skins

As you age, sagging skin can become a very real problem. Loose, sagging skin can be caused by a number of different factors including sun damage, reduced collagen production, lack of moisture, and even the position in which you sleep.

Thankfully, there are just as many ways to treat sagging skin as there are causes.

To help you fight back against loose, sagging skin, we’ve created a list of the seven best home remedies.

1. Massage Your Forehead

One of the best ways to prevent sagging skin on your forehead is a quick massage. A gentle massage, like the method described below, helps to tone the underlying muscles and provides increased support for the top layers of your skin.

This increased support serves to pull the skin tight and ultimately reduces the appearance of sagging skin. Many spas offer expensive forehead massages but you don’t need to pay big bucks for this type of treatment. You can do it yourself with just a bit of oil and a few spare minutes.

To get the most from your forehead massage, we recommend starting with natural solutions often found in your kitchen. Try coconut oil or olive oil because they contain beneficial vitamins and minerals like antioxidants, vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols. Alternatively, you can purchase a gentle massage oil at most pharmacies.

Once you’ve selected your oil, apply a dime-sized drop to your fingers and gently rub your forehead in small circular motions for up to five minutes. The skin on this part of your face is thin and delicate so you don’t have to use a lot of pressure. When you’re finished with your massage, leave the oil on your skin for added moisture.

2. Apply A Cucumber Juice Mask Around Your Eyes

The skin around your eyes is extremely thin and delicate. Because of this, it can start to sag and show signs of aging much earlier than other parts of your face, neck or chest. A simple solution for this is a cucumber juice eye mask. Cucumber helps hydrate tired skin which can reduce the visible appearance of wrinkles and sagging.

Cucumber Juice Mask Instructions
Start by cutting a cucumber into small slices—peel and all— and place them in a blender.

Grind the cucumber until you’ve created a watery paste.

Pour the blended cucumber through a strainer to separate the water from the paste, and then squeeze the remaining paste with your hands to remove as much liquid as possible.

Wash your face and neck with warm water and an oil-free cleanser to remove makeup and open pores.

Using your fingers, apply the cucumber juice to the skin around your eyes.
Let the juice dry for ten minutes to gain all the skin-tightening, pore-reducing benefits.
Finally, wash your face with cool water and pat dry with a soft, clean towel.

3. Exercise Your Mouth

Fine lines and wrinkles around your mouth can lead to unsightly, sagging skin near and around your lips. You can prevent these wrinkles from forming by exercising your mouth for a few minutes every day. Here’s a simple four-step exercise you can do from the comfort of your own home.

First, stretch your mouth as wide as possible like you’re posing for a picture and saying “cheeseeee”. Hold this position for a count of three.

Stretch your lips forward and up as far as possible, like you’re pretending to be a ghost saying “boooooo!”, and hold for a count of three.

Stretch your lips back into the “cheese!” position for another three count.

Stretch your lips back into the “booooo!” position for another three count.

That’s one round. Repeat all four steps nine more times for a total of ten rounds.

4. Exfoliate Your Cheeks With Baking Soda

An easy way to prevent wrinkles and sagging skin from forming on your cheeks is to exfoliate with baking soda once per week. Baking soda works to remove dead skin cells, soften your complexion, and tighten pores. Used as part of a wrinkle-fighting beauty routine, exfoliating with baking soda can lead to visibly smoother, firmer skin.

Mix two teaspoons of baking soda with two teaspoons of warm water. Stir until the baking soda is completely dissolved.

Wash your face and neck with warm water and an oil-free cleanser to remove makeup and open pores.

Using your fingers, gently rub the baking soda solution into your cheeks using small circular motions.

Continue rubbing for thirty seconds and then let the mixture dry for another ninety seconds.

Wash your face and with warm water to remove the baking soda.
Then rinse one more time with cool water to close and tighten pores.

5. Moisturize The Skin Under Your Jaw

Collagen provides support and structure to your skin. As you age, your skin’s ability to produce collagen slows down while existing collagen begins to break down; so, when there’s less of it, your skin begins to sag.

This can be very evident around and under your jaw where gravity is constantly pulling on your skin.

You don’t have to settle for sagging skin under your jaw though.

You can work to keep this skin firm and tight by moisturizing every day.