Remove Those Annoying Dark Patches on The Neck, Underarms and Inner Thighs in 15 Minutes

Dark patches appear on the armpits, inner thighs or neck due to sun exposure, deodorants, shaving, and waxing.

Usually, people who are going through some hormonal treatments, people with diabetes, obese people, and those who are suffering from genitourinary or gastrointestinal cancer have these dark patches. They aren’t harmful but they don’t look pretty so people are trying various treatments to remove them. Today we are going to present you a cheap and effective way to remove them.



  • Baking soda (1 tbsp.)
  • Olive oil (1 tbsp.)
  • Salt (1 tbsp.)


Mix everything well together and apply it to the affected area. Leave it there for 20 minutes and then remove it with a lot of water.

You can also prepare a cream with lemon, milk, and white clay. Mix these three ingredients well and apply it on your skin. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it well.


No matter which treatment you will choose, do it three times per week until the patches disappear.Do not expose yourself to the sun without applying for UV protection. Eat food full of vitamin E and drink a lot of water. Use extra sea salt, virgin olive oil, and skim milk.