Stop Tachycardia In 60 seconds

Many of us are familiar with the feeling that the heart in the chest begins to grow stronger than usual. We offer you two simple but effective methods that can help you in accelerated heartbeat.

At a sudden reduced temperature, the human heart begins to slow slowly. In this way, the nervous system adjusts the body to new conditions. The heart quickly “responds” when the face is cooled, because it is closer to other parts of the body. Therefore, it is recommended that in the case of tachycardia the following should be done:

The first way

Pour cold water in a deep bowl. The more cold the water is, the better, so if you have ice, add it. Hold your breath, squeeze your nose with your fingers, and drop your face in cold water for a few seconds.

If you do not have the appropriate bowl, grasp the water with your hands and lower your face into them. Also, you can lighten and massage your skin face with ice cubes, paying special attention to the area around the temples.

With a sharp drop in body temperature, heart rate slows down. This is how the nervous system adjusts to new conditions. The heart will respond faster when you cool your face because it is closer than other parts of the body.

Another way

With this procedure we act on a vagus nerve that regulates the number of heart contractions. The technique is performed as follows: take a deep breath and strained abdominal muscles. Close your nose with thumb and forefinger; Close your mouth and eyes. Try to take a breath with your closed nose and mouth, while still sticking your abdominal muscles.

None of the above methods should be used if the tachycardia is accompanied by severe chest pain or a feeling of lack of air. In these situations, the only solution is to call an ambulance.