The Top 10 Essential Oils For Skincare

If you don’t want to start with 10 then start with my top 3: lavender, lemon, and peppermint. These oils are the best ones aromatically because they are please to almost everyone. They also have multiple different uses so you will find it easy-peasy to incorporate them into your daily life.

I am going to show you some of the top ways to harness the powers of these potent essential oils as well so look to this as your guide:

A (Aromatic)
T (Topical)
I (Internal)


Top Healing Properties: sedative, astringent, antidepressant, analgesic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, regenerative, soothing

In latin, lavender means “to wash”, which couldn’t be more fitting because it serves in all things calming. Lavender is the most used essential oil globally not only because it is so aromatically pleasing but also because it has such versatile use. Want your laundry to smell like it was hung to dry in lavender fields? Can’t seem to kick those anxious feelings?

Have any skin issues like sunburn, scars, or redness? The powers of lavender essential oil can be harnessed for just about every obstacle that comes your way. That’s why Lavender essential oil makes our list as one of the top 3 essential oils to have.

How to Use:

A: Inhale a drop in your palms any time you feel stressed or overwhelmed

A: Inhale a drop in your palms or diffuse through the night to enhance beauty sleep

T: Dilute 1 drop in a carrier oil to soothe rashes and skin irritations

T: Mix 1 drop with your lotion or body oil for a lovely aroma that lasts all day


Top Healing Properties: antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, diuretic, detoxification, disinfectant

Number 2 on our list of best essential oils is lemon, and for obvious reasons. Lemon essential oil smells clean, fresh, and bright – and that’s exactly how it works. You can use lemon essential oil to cleanse the air, clean the counters, and boost immunity and mood! Lemon oil also works the same way internally as well.

In need of a little detox? Lemon essential oil flushes toxins making it the perfect addition to any morning detox drink.

How to Use:

A: Inhale a drop in your palms for a burst of energy; combine with a drop of peppermint for enhanced effects

A: Diffuse to freshen the air (great for stale hotel rooms)

T: Lemon is a photosensitive Oil and should not be used topically


Top Healing Properties: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, invigorating, cooling, expectorant, stimulating

Peppermint essential oil is always a go-to when I’m in need of an energy boost. But it’s not just an effective, all-natural alternative to energy drinks, it can also replace your OTC headache medications and kick cravings!

So whether you need a little push to go to that pilates class, or to finish a big project before the deadline, peppermint essential oil will have you covered.

How to Use:

A: Diffuse to improve focus and mental energy in the office or when kids are doing schoolwork

promote focus in the office in the office to improve focus and mental energy

A: Inhale a drop in the palms before a workout for a burst of energy (see Lemon)

T: Apply a drop to the back of the neck for a cooling sensation during hot flashes


Top Healing Properties: antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, antiviral, decongestant

A.K.A tea tree oil, melaleuca essential oil has been used for centuries to treat skin conditions and viruses. It’s an absolute must-have when arming yourself with essential oils – especially if you have little ones at home.

How to Use:

T: Mix a drop with a tsp of coconut oil to relieve itchy skin (eczema, poison ivy)

T: Add to a DIY cleaning recipe to bust bacteria on surfaces

T: For body odor add a drop to a tsp of coconut oil and massage into underarms before applying deodorant


Top Healing Properties: anticancer, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, restorative

The King of essential oils: Frankincense! Ancient religions have used frankincense essential oil in their spiritual practices but that is not all it’s good for. Frankincense can be used to fight wrinkles, fuel focus, and heal at the cellular level.

How to Use:

T: Add a drop to your moisturizer or night cream for anti-aging & youthful skin

T: Dilute a drop in 1/2 tsp of fractionated coconut oil and massage into the bottoms of the feet to promote cellular health

A: Inhale a drop in the palms to feel grounded and centered; combine with lavender for enhanced effects


Top Healing Properties: antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, antiviral, immunostimulant.

Oregano essential oil can help battle viral and bacterial infections, strep throat and tonsillitis, as well as pneumonia and tuberculosis. It also works hard to fight warts and other skin issues, boost progesterone, and kick out intestinal worms and parasites.

How to Use:

I: Dilute one drop in 1 tbsp EVOO and add to spaghetti sauce for delicious flavor

T: Dilute 1 drop in 1/2 tsp carrier oil and massage into lymph nodes on neck to help relieve sore throat and illness

I: To fight viruses and bacteria add 1 to 2 drops to a veggie cap and fill the rest with food grade carrier oil like EVOO; take internally*

*Do this for acute illness and not every day; oregano is a potent antibiotic and should not be taken too often internally


Healing Ingredients: Wild Orange Peel, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Leaf, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Leaf, Rosemary Leaf/Flower essential oils

OnGuard is easily one of my favorite blends and one of the top blends you must have on hand. OnGuard supports healthy immune and respiratory function and protects against environmental threats when taken internally. It also supports the body’s natural antioxidant defenses and promotes healthy circulation while providing an energizing and uplifting aroma.

How to Use:

T: Dilute 1 drop in fractionated coconut oil and apply to forearms, back of neck or bottoms of feet to boost immune system

A: Diffuse to purify the air of airborne pathogens and environmental threats

A: Inhale a drop in the palms while traveling to invigorate senses and improve immune system function


Healing Ingredients: Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus Leaf, Peppermint Plant, melaleuca Leaf, Lemon Peel, Cardamom Seed, Ravintsara Leaf, Ravensara Leaf essential oils

Breathe is a minty, fresh, and airy blend that opens airways for easy breathing. If you’re feeling under the weather and are in dire need of a restful night’s sleep, then breathe blend is your best friend. It also helps minimize the effects of seasonal threats, helping to keep you at your healthiest when you’re outside.

How to Use:

A: Congested? Inhale a drop in your palms or diffuse to clear airways

A: Add 3 to 5 drops to the shower floor (under hot water) to create a congestion-relief steam room

T: Dilute 1 drop in coconut oil and apply to the chest to open airways


Healing Ingredients: Anise Seed, Peppermint Plant, Ginger Rhizome/Root, Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed, Tarragon plant, and Fennel Seed essential oils

DigestZen is a must-have blend to help support healthy digestion and to reduce gas and indigestion. Upset stomach? Look no further than this sweet and spicy blend to soothe a tummy ache.

How to Use:

I: For digestive support add one drop to a veggie cap and fill the rest with food grade carrier oil like EVOO; take internally

I: Make a digestive tea by diluting one drop in 1/4 tsp. Of honey; stir the honey into hot water and sip

A: To squash feelings of nausea, inhale one drop in the palms


Healing Ingredients: Wintergreen, Camphor, peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, BLue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Ostmathus

Deep Blue is an enriched blend formulated to cool and soothe. It’s an absolutely necessary massage oil for after a long days work or intense workout. Both comforting and soothing, this minty blend will help you relax and unwind. This is one of the best essential oils I’ve ever used for muscle tension, relaxation and any issues related to arthritis or inflammation.

How to Use:

T: Dilute one drop in 1/2 tsp of carrier oil and massage into shoulders and neck to relieve tension after a long day

T: Mix 7 to 10 drops with a tablespoon of bubble bath; pour under running water and soak

T: For inflammation in joints Dilute a drop in 1/2 tsp carrier oil and massage into the affected area