This Is What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Garlic And Honey On An Empty Stomach For 7 Days!

Garlic is one of the most popular natural foods today, and it is used in almost all cuisines throughout the world. Despite its distinct flavour, garlic is quite useful in treating a variety of health issues, particularly when ingested raw.

Garlic is thought to be capable of preventing and treating practically all ailments. It efficiently prevents atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and coronary heart disease, as well as lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

It also treats minor illnesses such as bug bites, the common cold, flu, hay fever, fungal infections, and traveler’s diarrhoea. Garlic effectively treats diabetes, enlarged prostate, and osteoarthritis symptoms. Furthermore, one of its most essential features is its ability to remove toxins and enhance immunity.

Garlic, in conjunction with ginger and onion, detoxifies the body following chemotherapy.

Use raw garlic for the best results because heat decentralises allicin, the active component. Simply crush and cut the cloves, set aside for 15 minutes, and then add them to your cuisine.

Furthermore, crashing it actually improves its bioavailability. Also, because a full stomach cannot absorb all of its nutrients, it is better to swallow it before drinking or eating anything.

You should drink the honey-garlic combo on a regular basis to boost your immunity and improve your overall health. This is how you make it:

Honey and raw garlic

Take 2-3 garlic cloves and coarsely chop them, then add a tablespoon of honey.

Take it every day and you will notice a significant increase in your energy levels!

Furthermore, the garlic flu tonic listed below will effectively increase your immune, prevent and soothe a sore throat, and treat flu and cold symptoms. It is a highly effective natural treatment. This is how you make it:

Garlic flu tonic-recipe


  • 5 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ginger, chopped
  • Raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 2 red chili peppers, coarsely chopped


If you have sensitive skin, wear gloves when making this tonic because the natural oils in the ingredients may cause burns or rashes.

Then, in a 350-500ml Mason jar, put the chopped onion, followed by the chopped garlic, and finally the hot peppers with the seeds. After that, add the ginger, lemon juice, and organic apple cider vinegar to the container.

Note that you should leave 1cm of free space from the rim before sealing the jar. The jar should then be kept in the pantry. Consume it on a regular basis to avoid illnesses or until your symptoms vanish completely.